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Quote from Dina in Election Day

Dina: Listen, I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I have decided that you are my best friend in the store.
Cheyenne: Me? Really?
Dina: Yeah.
Cheyenne: Okay, well, you're nice too.
Dina: Yeah, I am nice. Anyway, I've been thinking about it, and I feel like we should just have a good old-fashioned girlfriend gabfest. [chuckles] Maybe you could tell me if you've seen or heard anything suspicious recently.
Cheyenne: Mm. Suspicious?
Dina: Yeah, you know, like... I don't know... if you know of anybody doing anything illegal. Dish, girlfriend! [both chuckle]
Cheyenne: Mm. Um, no.
Dina: Really? 'Cause, you know, there's nothing I hate more than when my best friends lie to me.
Cheyenne: Okay, I have to go. I have to pee really bad. Excuse me. [exits]
Dina: You want me to come with? That's what best girlfriends do, right?
Glenn: Do you think she knows?
Dina: It's hard to say. She's either playing dumb or just is.

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