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Quote from Cheyenne in Spokesman Scandal

Cheyenne: When she's hungry, it's like... [low-pitched wail] But when she's tired, it's like... [low-pitched wail] And when she's...
Garrett: Just shut up about the baby!
Cheyenne: Oh. Um, okay.
Garrett: What?
Cheyenne: What, was I talking too much about the baby? I can stop.
Garrett: Oh. Great. Well, thank you. I mean, it's not that we don't want to hear about your baby, it's just that it's been a lot.
Cheyenne: No, I understand. It's like you with your sneakers.
Garrett: What you mean?
Cheyenne: Oh, you know, how you're always like, "Oh, yeah, I just ordered my pair of retro Jordans that are coming in two days."
Sandra: "You can only get these kicks in Japan." [both laugh]
Garrett: Wow. Really seeing everybody's true colors today. Real cool.

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