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Quote from Garrett in Secret Shopper

Garrett: What the [bleep] was that?
Mateo: I don't know. I thought she was the secret shopper.
Garrett: So?
Mateo: There are raises on the line. So sorry, not sorry. I'm not here to make friends.
Garrett: Fine, whatever. I just hope for your sake, the secret shopper isn't one of us.
Mateo: W- Wait, wait. What does that mean?
Garrett: Pssh. I ain't even gonna tell you.
Mateo: No, no. You can tell me.
Garrett: Well, at the Penrose store, the corporate plant was an employee. And when he was done, everyone who was a dick to him got fired. But, hey, that's why I always try to be nice to all my coworkers, but I'm just kind of one of those guys that likes to keep his job, so... Good luck.
Mateo: Thank- Thank you.

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