George Quote #1353
Quote from George in The Van Buren Boys
George: So, uh, Steven.. I see you're president of the chess club.
Steven: State champs.
George: Who's your favorite chess player?
Steven: [mumbles] Nastercoff?
George: Right. [mumbles] Nastercoff. What country is he from, again?
Steven: [sighs] I don't know. I made it up. [gets up to leave] I'm never gonna get this thing.
George: [gets up] Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you telling me for? You really had me going, there! Come on, sit down. What do you want to do when you grow up?
Steven: I've been telling people that I'd like to be an architect.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Van Buren Boys’ Quotes
Quote from George
George: Hey, I think I may have found someone for the scholarship.
Jerry: Yeah?
George: I'm interviewing all these annoying little overachievers, and finally, this kid walks in, Steven Koren, a regular guy, likes sports, watches TV.
Jerry: Is he smart?
George: He knows how to read. And he also knows finishing an entire book doesn't prove anything. And get this. He's into architecture.
Jerry: Hey, just like you pretend to be.
George: Yes. With a little guidance, Steven Koren is going to be everything I claim to be, only for real. That's my dream, Jerry.
Quote from J. Peterman
J. Peterman: [answers phone] Peterman, here.
Kramer: Mr. Peterson, you gotta sell me my stories back.
J. Peterman: You want to know something? I no longer need them.
Elaine: No, no. Mr. Peterman, why don't we keep them as a, as a reference?
J. Peterman: Nonsense. [to Kramer] I have Benes' wonderfully imaginative mind to spin my stories. You take back your tales, you vagabond!
Kramer: Yippie-yi-yay!
J. Peterman: [hangs up] There you are, Elaine. Go forth, and create. And, by the way, when you get to that chapter about my romantic escapades, feel free to toss yourself in the mix.
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: I'm not buying any of this.
Kramer: All right, so what are you saying? That we're wrong? Oh, everybody's wrong but you.
Jerry: You know, this is like that Twilight Zone where the guy wakes up, and he's the same but everyone else is different!
Kramer: Which one?
Jerry: They were all like that.