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Quote from Kramer in The Pool Guy

Kramer: [answers phone] Hello, and welcome to Moviefone. If you know the name of the movie you'd like to see, press one.
George: Come on. Come on.
Kramer: Using your touch-tone keypad, please enter the first three letters of the movie title, now.
[George presses 3 keys]
Kramer: You've selected... Agent Zero? If that's correct, press one.
George: What?
Kramer: Ah, you've selected ... Brown-Eyed Girl? If this is correct, press one. [George is confused] Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you've selected.
George: Chunnel?
Kramer: To find the theater nearest you, please enter your five digit zip-code, now. [George enters his zip-code] Why don't you just tell me where you want to see the movie?
George: Lowes Paragon, 84th and Broadway.
Kramer: [picks up paper] Chunnel is playing at the Paragon 84th Street cinema in the main theater at 9:30 PM.
George: Yeah, now I gotcha! [hangs up, runs out]
Kramer: It's also playing in theater number two at 9:00.

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