Jerry: Men flip around the television more than women, I think. Men get that remote control in their hands, they don't even know what the hell they're not watching. You know, we just keep going, "Rerun, don't wanna watch it. " "What are you watching?" "I don't care, I gotta keep going." "What was that?" "I don't know what it was. Doesn't matter, it's not your fault. It doesn't matter, I gotta keep going." Women don't do this. See now, women will stop and go, "Well, let me see what the show is before I change the channel." You see? But men just fly. Because women, you see, women nest and men hunt. That's why we watch TV differently. Before there was flipping around, before there was television, kings and emperors and pharaohs and such had story-tellers that would tell them stories 'cause that was their entertainment. I always wonder, in that era, if they would get, like, thirty story-tellers together so they could still flip around. Just go, "All right start telling me a story, what's happening? I don't want to hear anymore. Shut up. Go to the next guy. What are you talking about? Is there a girl in that story? No? Shut up. Go to the next guy. What do you got? I don't want to hear that either. Shut up. No, go ahead, what are you talking about? I don't want to hear that. No, the all of you, get out of here. I'm going to bed."