Quote from David Puddy in The Burning
Father Curtis: Let me see if I understand this. You're concerned that he isn't concerned that you're going to hell. And you feel that she's too bossy. Elaine and David Puddy: Yeah, that's right. Father Curtis: Well, oftentimes in cases of inter-faith marriages, couples have difficulty-- Elaine: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one's getting married here. Father Curtis: You aren't? David Puddy: No. Elaine: We're just, you know, having a good time. Father Curtis: Oh. Well, then it's simple. You're both going to hell. David Puddy: No way. This is bogus, man! Elaine: Well, thank you father. Father Curtis: Oh, did you hear the one about the new guy in hell who's talking to the devil by the coffee machine? David Puddy: I'm really not in the mood. I'm going to hell. Elaine: Oh, lighten up. It'll only feel like an eternity.