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Quote from Kramer in The Merv Griffin Show

George: Jerry?
Kramer: Oh. Hey. [plays entrance music] Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's our good friend, George Costanza! What a surprise! [Kramer encourages Jerry and Elaine to move up a seat] Yeah, sit, sit, sit. Well. [claps]
George: Well, it happened again.
Jerry: What happened?
Kramer: Eh, eh, eh. I'll ask the questions. What happened?
George: Well, I just stomped some pigeons in the park. They- They didn't move.
Kramer: All right, let's change the subject. [to George] Now, uh you and Jerry dated for a while. Tell us ... what was that like? That was the wrong card.
George: I don't get these birds! They're breaking the deal. It's like the pigeons decided to ignore me!
Jerry: So they're like everyone else.
Kramer: [laughs loudly] All right, let's take a short break. [eats chips, sips cola] Okay. [checks watch] We're back!

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