Quote from George in The Gum
Deena: You're probably wondering why I wanted to see you again. George: Well, you know. It's understandable. Deena: I'm glad you feel that way. Because since my father's breakdown I've become very sensitive to the warning signs. George: Warning signs? Deena: Nervousness, irritability, paranoia. George: What?! Wh- What are you talking about? I'm not the one with the problem. Lloyd Braun was in the nuthouse, not me. Deena: Yet again, taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others. George: All my friends do that. Deena: George, I'm only trying to help. [George gets distracted by Ruthie Cohen going by on a horse] I'm... I'm concerned. George? George, are you listening to me? George: You see that woman on the horse? She stole twenty dollars from me. Yeah, I might've gotten it back, but Lloyd Braun interfered! Deena: So again it all comes back to Lloyd. George: Hey! Hey, you! [runs after her] Come back here! Don't gallop away! I'm on to you!