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Quote from Jackie Chiles in The Abstinence

Kramer: That was a great lunch, Jackie. Thanks.
Jackie Chiles: It's a little puzzling we haven't gotten that offer yet.
Kramer: Well, Mrs. Wilkie, from the tobacco company called me. We had a little powwow.
Jackie Chiles: A powwow? Who told you to have a powwow? I didn't tell you to have powwow.
Kramer: She made an offer. I took it.
Jackie Chiles: How much?
Kramer: No, no, no. There was no money.
Jackie Chiles: No money? Then what'd we get?
Kramer: Check it out.
[Kramer features on a cigarette billboard]
Jackie Chiles: This is the most public yet of my many humiliations.

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