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Quote from Elaine in The Checks

Elaine: So, your firm designed all the furniture in here?
Brett: Well, we manufacture it. The original designs are by Karl Farbman.
Elaine: Oh, Farbman.
Brett: You know Farbman?
Elaine: Mm, love Farbman.
Brett: Most people go their whole lives without sitting in a Farbman.
Elaine: Well, if you call that living. (laughs) Ahaha.
[Brett is distracted as The Eagles' "Desperado" begins to play on the radio]
Elaine: Wouldn't it be great if Farbman designed shoes? Brett? Don't you think that would be great? Brett?
Brett: After the song, babe.
Elaine: Huh?
Brett: This song.

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