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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu

Dr. Cox: As you know, I can't make a decision without your help, so here goes. On Oprah, there's a story about Lindsay Lohan's eating disorder, but on E! there's a story about Lindsay Lohan's fabulous new Tribeca loft. Don't get me wrong, I want to watch something about Lindsay Lohan. I'm just a little lost here.
J.D.: FYI, that loft is Lohan-tastic. It's vintage Lindsay.
Dr. Cox: Oh.
Elliot: Dr. Cox, when you walked away from Mrs. Goldstein anyone could've thought you were in trouble.
Dr. Cox: I had to go the bathroom, Barbie. [whistles] People, from now on, if anyone needs to take a leak, please notify Dr. Reid. It is a pet peeve of hers.

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