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Quote from Turk in His Story III

Turk: Second, if Junior gets scared, he can always climb into bed with us. That's what I did with my mom.
Carla: What do you mean "did"? J.D., last Christmas, I walked in on Turk and his mom cuddling together in bed.
J.D.: [v.o.] Turk gets defensive when it comes to his mother.
Turk: I think you're just jealous 'cause your mom's dead.
J.D.: Whoa! We should probably take a break.
Carla: No, no, no, no. You're going to finish building that crib like you promised. And you are driving to the cemetery, cleaning up my mom's grave, and asking her for forgiveness.
Turk: I hate having to ask for forgiveness.

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