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Quote from Carla in My Extra Mile

J.D.: It's not like nurses know everything.
J.D.: [v.o.] Uh-oh. Carla's gearing up to explode. Save yourself. Attempt the casual side-switch. And you're there. Now angry at Kelso.
J.D.: Bob, how dare you?
Carla: Exactly. You're worried about what I can handle? Vascular Surgery wants an update every two hours on bed 1, I'm weaning Mrs. Jones' dopamine from ten mikes to five, Mrs. Meyerson's abdominal wound is dehiscing and Mr. Wilder is turfed to Psych because he thinks he's Flo from Alice.
Mr. Wilder: Kiss my grits!
Carla: Exactly, Flo! Exactly!
J.D.: I hope you learned something today.

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