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Quote from Jill Tracy in My Fifteen Seconds

Jill Tracy: Always fun to be in the bathroom listening to people talk so clearly, you're sure they just heard you pee. You did, didn't you?
J.D.: You start and stop a lot.
Dr. Cox: Lovely. Here. Uh, actually there's great news, uh, Ms. Tracy: We're sending you home. Although, I sure wish we could have figured out how that stuff got introduced into your system to begin with. But sometimes in medicine you have to just chalk it up to life's great mysteries, like crop circles or this gal's Adam's apple.
J.D.: I'm a girl, that's original.
Jill Tracy: Hey, you guys, I just want to say, if I don't see you again, thanks and take care.
Dr. Cox: You be well, darlin'. I'll see you next time.
J.D.: Wanna hear a great letter?
Jill Tracy: No.

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