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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Bed Banter & Beyond

Dr. Cox: Bravo. Just a big bravo. Heaven help me, I love Newbie theatre. Honest, I do. It's the way you both play your parts with such wonderful commitment that almost had me believing that you aren't having whiny, neurotic, extremely pale sex with each other.
J.D.: What are you talking about?
Dr. Cox: Please stop. The whole floor knows. We do. Watch this. Laverne, did you know?
Nurse Roberts: Was it supposed to be a secret?
Dr. Cox: And Carla?
Carla: Please. I knew before they did.
Dr. Cox: So, there it is. And if you go ahead and listen very carefully, you'll hear the familiar sound of no one caring.
Janitor: I like that guy.

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