Quote from Turk in Our Dear Leaders
Turk: You guys, come on. You're in love. You need to start talking. Let's get it goin'. Russell Vaughn: Uh sorry to interrupt. Uh, now I understand Dr. Turk's naive impulse to get it going. He was raised on a diet of Western television and airport novels. But in many less-developed parts of the world, silence plays a crucial part of a couple's search for real, true emotional intimacy. I'm reminded of an old proverb from the Zambezi River tribe, "Two hearts forged in silence grow into one." Your last tot beckons me. May I? Turk: Dude, you- You can't just take my last tot like that. What the?! Oh, I get it. Dude starts speaking all [clicks tongue], and all of a sudden, everything's all good, huh? It's all good now? Fine. I'm gonna go get some more tots.