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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Finale: Part 2

J.D.: [v.o.] Things rarely go exactly the way you want them to, so sometimes you make do with whatever you can get.
J.D.: Good night.
Dr. Cox: Good night.
Sunny: Ah, he's finally gone. Talk about making a big deal over nothing, you know? I mean, Dr. Dorian was fine, but he was no better than any other doctor.
Dr. Cox: For the record, he was the best that ever came through this dump. [J.D. returns behind Dr. Cox's back] John Dorian was the first and only doctor I ever met who cared as much as I do, and you can forget about him being just an exceptional physician. Because the fact of the matter is, he was... He's a damn exceptional person. That's why people gravitated to him. It's why I did. He was my friend.
J.D.: Thank you, God. That was beautiful.
Dr. Cox: Oh, God, no.
J.D.: It's okay, Perry. You just said how you feel. Honestly, I am so full of your love right now, I literally could not take another drop. Brace yourself. I'm coming in. You smell like a father figure.
Dr. Cox: Oh! Please stop.

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