Trending Schitt's Creek Quotes

Quote from Alexis in Rock On!

David: This is not how I wanted to spend my night.
Alexis: Me neither. And David, I know what you're thinking, they're probably back at his house, listening to Frank Ocean, laughing, and re-hydrating.
David: Yeah, the more I think about this, the more I realize it was way too early to have introduced this into the relationship. I mean, I thought I was being mature, but in actuality, it was just a classic case of self-sabotage.
Alexis: Chill, David. Hey! [thumps table] Yes, those are all valid points, but this is a moment of growth for you. Was it flawlessly executed? No. Would I have done it? Hell no.
David: Okay, if this is intended to be helpful, you can leave now.
Alexis: But what I was gonna say is, if a cute guy that walks into your store is enough to unravel your whole relationship, you're better off knowing that now, than in a year from now.


Quote from Moira in Stop Saying Lice!

Moira: Well, this might lift your spirits, I just came from council, and they want to name a garden after me.
Johnny: A garden? Oh, that's flattering. Another feather in your cap, huh?
Moira: Oh, I have enough legacies as it is, John. I've got that playhouse theatre in Pasadena, my titular scholarship with Phoenix, David and Alexis.
Johnny: Yeah, but still, a garden is nice. You'd have to think twice about turning that down.
Moira: Oh, I've already turned it down.
Johnny: Oh. Okay. Well, it's just about a month ago I heard from the Lucy Albion Studio Theater in Pasadena.
Moira: I don't know what that is.
Johnny: It used to be called the Moira Rose...
Moira: No, no! Don't say it! They've stripped the playhouse of my name? Who the fuck is Lucy Albion?!
Johnny: A volunteer usher who died last year.