David Quote #90

Quote from David in Town for Sale

Johnny: Told you I'd sell this town. Didn't I tell you?
David: Yes. Not to diminish your accomplishment, but you did say that a handful of times. I think eight, to be exact.
Johnny: It bears repeating.


 ‘Town for Sale’ Quotes

Quote from Moira

Moira: It's a great coat. At least let us see it on you.
Jocelyn: I gave it away. I'm sorry. It just it didn't suit me. And I thought about Ronnie and, you know, she could always use some more feminine pieces in her wardrobe, and so I took it over to her and she really liked it, so I paid it forward.
Moira: Well, Jocelyn, there are certain things that are just not done: Smoking in a car with a baby, unless you crack a window; tipping before tax; mixing drinks with cola; and giving away a coat that doesn't belong to you.

Quote from Moira

Moira: David? Should I take this with me?
David: If I'm being perfectly honest, it's very low on the totem pole of coats of yours that I like, but-
Moira: It was a gift from your father.
Johnny: Hey, that's a good coat. I outbid Richard Branson for it at the Kiminski auction.
Moira: I did get sick of having hot coffee and blood thrown at me. You know who covets this coat? Jocelyn. I could bestow it upon her as a parting gift.
Johnny: We may want to put pen to paper before we start giving away designer clothing, sweetheart.
Moira: It would be her first piece of clothing made outside of mainland China. I'm gonna do it.

Quote from Moira

Johnny: People do come out of comas.
Moira: Oh, I'd kill for a good coma right now.