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Quote from Moira in Smoke Signals

Johnny: Moira. I'm just glad you're okay. And first thing in the morning, I'm going in and I'm fixing these latches.
Moira: No need, John. I have been gifted a smoke signal and you will never again find me back in the closet.
Johnny: Well, why don't we take this one step at a time?
Moira: This may come as a shock to you, dear, but... I don't believe my career has been that kind to me.
Johnny: What?
Moira: I all but perished in the name of an unrequited love for an industry that has burned me over and over again.
Johnny: It's been difficult watching you go through this, Moira.
Moira: I know you'll want to fight me tooth and nail, John. It's time my career took its final bow.

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