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Quote from Patrick in Singles Week

Patrick: What you're doing is very brave.
David: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: Very generous, okay? And I don't wanna add more stress to your day, but I love you.
David: Okay, so so you just said that to me for the first time, knowing that it would make my day more stressful.
Patrick: That's correct.
David: Because you know that I've never said that to anyone else, aside from my parents twice, and one time at a-
Patrick: Mariah Carey concert, I know. Yeah. And I don't expect you to say it back to me, right now. You say it when you're ready. It just felt right to me, in the moment. You're my Mariah Carey.
David: Okay. That compliment could bring me to tears, but I'm not gonna let it. So, I... would like to thank you for all the wonderful things that you said.

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