April Quote #288

Quote from April in Recall Vote

Leslie Knope: No discussion about the recall election until the polls close at 8:00. Let's focus on what we can control. In 24 hours, we are going to transform City Hall into the best haunted house Pawnee has ever seen.
April: There's been a mistake. This says that I'm in charge of the silly skeleton room, when really it should say "the undead serial killer room." Who do I talk to about changing this?


 ‘Recall Vote’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Can I ask you a question? Are we the cutest couple you've ever seen?
Herman Lerpiss: Nope. Okay, you want the long needle or the short needle? Doesn't matter. Can't find a short needle. Long needle it is.
Leslie Knope: I have a big idea. I want a portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt, tastefully done, and then she has a very classy tattoo of Pat Benatar on her arm. And that's very subtle. No, scratch that. Scratch all that. Just write "Ben".

Quote from Tom

Tom: I don't want to be a failure again, Ron.
Ron Swanson: There's no shame in failure if you gave it an honest effort.
Tom: Easy for you to say. People are dying to give you money for your business, and you didn't even take it.
Ron Swanson: I didn't sell my chairs to that website because I value my name. The only thing that's important at the end of the day is what's on your gravestone... Your name.
Tom: My gravestone's gonna be a 60-inch touchscreen with a hologram of four mes singing End of the Road by Boyz II Men... But point taken.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: Okay, Leslie's on her way in.
Ann: Is she okay? I left her, like, 30 voice mails, and her outgoing message is just her sobbing and burping and crazy laughing.
Ben: Yeah, you know what? She's actually handling it pretty well.
Leslie Knope: What's up, fartwads?
Chris: Are you eating a paunch burger?
Leslie Knope: Well, you know what? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I mean, I've been boycotting them ever since Pinewood and her goons started this whole recall business, but who cares now, right? What does it matter? Nothing matters anymore. Mmm. Oh, my God. This is good. This is really good. Why did I ever fight this?
Chris: Have you thought about a concession speech?
Leslie Knope: Oh, concession speech? Yeah, I wrote one. "Eat my shorts, Jabronies. Knope, out."
Ben: I thought it best to revisit the concession speech at a later time.