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Quote from Leslie Knope in New Slogan

Crazy Ira: So, Leslie, what's the deal? Are you just here to yell at us again?
The Douche: Yeah, we are in store for another Leslie Knope nag sesh?
Woman's Voice: Crazy Ira, do the dishes!
Leslie Knope: [laughs] Classic! No way! I'm not here to nag, guys. I'm just psyched to be in the studio, you know? I'm just...chillin' in the studes with my dudes.
Crazy Ira: If you're really not really here to nag us, then maybe you'll help us with our next segment... [echoing] "Rating celebrities' boobs!"
Leslie Knope: Perfect.
The Douche: On a scale, from 1 to ga-ga-ga-going! How would you rate Emma Watson's boobs?
Leslie Knope: First of all, I would rate her acting as an "A."
The Douche: You have three seconds to answer or we're gonna withdraw a donation from charity.
Leslie Knope: From charity? Oh. [The Douche imitating clock] A minus.
Crazy Ira: More like double D minus. [farting sound; sexual moaning sounds]
Leslie Knope: I knew it. I knew it.

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