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Quote from Leslie Knope in Filibuster

Leslie Knope: As Ronald Reagan would say, "Well, mommy, I believe voting rights are important." Does anyone else think it's hot in here? These overalls are really starchy.
Councilman Jamm: Yeah, maybe that's 'cause I turned up the heat to 90, and, uh, oh, the knob broke off in my hand. [chuckles] Oops.
Leslie Knope: Well, speaking of heat, we should discuss America's white-hot passion for voting rights and the men and women who help protect them, like the local city councilwoman who is starving and thinking about her husband's Reservoir Dog-themed birthday cake and wanting to eat it really badly.
Ben: Oh, this is not a good sign. Once she starts thinking about birthday cake, she's basically useless until she eats birthday cake.
Leslie Knope: Democracy is not unlike a cake. It's layered, delicious, chocolate, and I want some.
Chris: Okay, she's fading. Ben, we need to find a way to smuggle some mineral oil drops onto her tongue.

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