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Quote from Leslie Knope in Animal Control

Leslie Knope: Okay, Donna, you took a look at all the resumes, so send in the best candidate.
Harris: Wassup? I'm Harris. I'm 33 years young. I have my cousin Jason's truck for two more weeks. I have one testicle-- whac-a-mole accident-- and I'm down to clown.
Chris: Harris, we know who you are. I literally just fired you.
Harris: [laughs] Oh, is this that job? That's crazy! Never mind.
Leslie Knope: Why would you think Harris would be the best candidate?
Donna: 'Cause he's one of only two applicants with actual experience at animal control.
Leslie Knope: Uh-ohh. Does that mean--
Brett: What up? Yo, my name is Brett. I like burgers, and also, I'm very high right now.
Harris: Dude, this is hilarious!

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