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Quote from Councilman Jamm in Two Parties

Ken Hotate: You and Leslie had a deal. If that deal is not restored, well, I believe there are six Paunch Burgers in the Wamapoke casino. Perhaps it's time that we revisited those contracts.
Kathryn Pinewood: Is that a threat?
Ken Hotate: Why, yes, I-- I thought that was obvious.
Kathryn Pinewood: Take the sign down. We'll wait until everything's official.
Leslie Knope: In the spirit of fair play, I suggest we put on these authentic Wamapoke headdresses and dance around the table.
Councilman Jamm: Absolutely not. That sounds highly offensive.
Ken Hotate: Does it, white man?
Councilman Jamm: No. It's not offensive. So let's do it.
Ken Hotate: You first.
Councilman Jamm: So clearly, this is not offensive.
Ken Hotate: It is offensive.
Councilman Jamm: I am very sorry.
Ken Hotate: Take it off.

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