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Quote from Ben in Ben's Parents

Leslie Knope: Okay, we are off to a rocky start, but we are gonna fix this.
Ben: Yes, we will. I called a cab. It's outside. I gave the driver 100 bucks to sit and wait, so whenever we're ready to go - like, maybe right now - all we have to do is walk outside.
Leslie Knope: No, I want to be here now, with you and your parents. Help me make this work.
Ben: Okay, fine. Best thing to do is distract them with innocuous talk about the stuff they care about.
Leslie Knope: Great, like what?
Ben: Well, they're white people from Minnesota, so hockey, fishing, skiing, sailing, and after a few drinks, put on a Prince album. Don't mention the Green Bay Packers or the state of Iowa. And also, I have enough frequent flyer miles to get us to Australia tonight.

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