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Quote from Leslie Knope in How a Bill Becomes a Law

Leslie Knope: Okay, so let's get ready for the photo, guys. I want you to arrange yourselves from most excited about democracy to least excited. Wait a minute. Everybody's excited? I bet you are! Because your bill just became law.
Councilman Jamm: Boy, you know, I can't believe you traded your office to keep this craphole pool open for a couple more weeks a year.
Leslie Knope: Hey, can you not say that in front of the kids, please? I'm trying to teach them how great government is.
Councilman Jamm: Oh, this is a teaching moment? Great. Hey, uh, kids? Would you like to learn how Leslie got your bill passed? Councilwoman Knope traded my vote for her-
[Tom pushes Councilman Jamm in the pool]
Councilman Jamm: What the hell, man? Why'd you do that?
Tom: Um...
Leslie Knope: Um, because it's fun in the sun! Everybody in the pool!
Tom: Yay, pool!
Leslie Knope: Yay, democracy! Oh, no, my perm.

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