Quote from Jean-Ralphio in Citizen Knope
Ben: Hey, Jean-Ralphio. How's it going? Jean-Ralphio: It's going good, I'm actually right here for an appointmt. Getting a Brazilian. By the way, there's a woman over there that is unbelievable. Her name is Kim. When she rips it off, she smiles, and it makes you feel things. Throw my name, I get a referral discount. If you don't mind. Ben: Okay. Jean-Ralphio: I heard somebody resigned in disgrace. My question to you is, how you making that paper? Ben: Oh, well, I've interviewed around, uh, but I'm actually about to take a job doing in-house accounting for an accounting firm. Jean-Ralphio: Buh... I almost fell asleep during that sentence. Ben: Okay. Jean-Ralphio: Let me get this straight. You would be an accountant... for accountants? Ben: Yeah. Jean-Ralphio: So at this accounting firm, you would have the boring job? Are you nuts? This is probably the first time you've had off since you've been kid president. True or false? True. Why don't you use that time and go after one of your passions, like model trains or, like, or toy Gandalfs or something? Ben: I don't know why you jumped straight to model trains. I mean... it's accurate.