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Quote from Leslie Knope in Smallest Park

Leslie Knope: I mean, he's not even attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony of a park that we made together.
Ann: I'm sorry, Leslie.
Leslie Knope: I'm just freaking out. The only thing we have left is work. And now he doesn't want to work together anymore? What does that all mean?
Ann: [sighs] I think you know what it means.
Leslie Knope: Yeah. I should just drag out that tiny park project for as long as possible so Ben and I can keep working together.
Ann: That's almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.
Leslie Knope: No, what I'll do is I'll get the neighborhood all riled up, and then maybe they'll ask for an environmental impact report-- and then Ben and I will work together for at least another year.
Ann: Leslie, for God's sakes.
Leslie Knope: Good idea, Ann. No, Ann, please, I beg of you. Will you just shut your beautiful pie hole? Just sit there, let me stare at you while you silently support me on this game plan.
Ann: Leslie.
Leslie Knope: Shh. Ann.
Ann: Leslie.
Leslie Knope: Your quiet support means the world to me. As well as your tacit endorsement of all my behaviors.

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