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Quote from Ron Swanson in Fancy Party

Leslie Knope: You okay, Ron?
Ron Swanson: Just a little tooth pain. I'm fine. Continue.
Ben: Okay, each department will be getting blue bins...
Ron Swanson: [groans in pain]
Ben: Do you need to go to the dentist, Ron?
Ron Swanson: I don't like dentists. Just a second. [Ron pulls out a pair of pliers]
All: [shouting]
Ben: Oh!
Donna: What the [bleep]?
Jerry: Oh, my God!
Ron Swanson: I'm sorry, everybody. What were we talking about... Recycling?
[aside to camera:]
Ron Swanson: Dentist pulled the tooth out yesterday. But it's always a good idea to demonstrate to your co-workers that you are capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of pain. Plus, it's always fun to see Tom faint.

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