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Quote from Jess in Chicago

Bonnie: I want to thank you for coming, but it's, uh, over now, so...
Jess: [as Elvis] Stop the funeral! Everybody sit down. This is the King.
Bonnie: What the hell?
Jess: I think you mean... "What the heaven?" Mama.
Aunt Ruthie: It's Elvis.
Jess: [sings] As the snow flies On a cold and gray Chicago morn
Bonnie: What is this?
Jess: A poor little baby child Was born In the ghetto In the ghetto And his mama cried Cause if there's one thing that she don't need It's another hungry mouth to feed In the ghetto In the ghetto
Winston: You know, this is every day in North Korea.
Jess: Down in Chi-town In the ghetto In the ghetto.

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