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Quote from Winston in Cabin

Winston: Schmidt, you did not invite this guy in this car. He could be crazy, could have a gun.
Schmidt: That's a racist thing to say, Winston, that he... Stop it, Schmidt... Just assuming that this man has a pistol. Hi, sir. How are you this evening? Um, the two of us are very interested in purchasing some crack cocaine.
Robert: You guys cops?
Schmidt: What?
Robert: Okay, let me out.
Winston: Schmidt, Schmidt... I was just messing with you, man. Okay? I was just trying to see how far your stupid white guilt would take you.
Schmidt: Have you ever done crack?
Winston: Hell, no, I've never done crack, man. Why do you think I've done crack? Because I'm black?
Schmidt: I thought you'd done crack 'cause you told me the whole story about you doing crack.

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