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Quote from Jess in The Landlord

Remy: To be honest, I was expecting a lot worse, so just... Four people is fine. Just paint over the sex wall, and don't bother me any more.
Jess: Hey, sir, wait.
Nick: Jess, let.. let him go.
Jess: I just want to apologize on behalf of all of us for lying to you about how many people live here.
Schmidt: Stop reminding him.
Jess: But while you're up here, might as well just fix a few things. Please... Remy?
Remy: How did you know my name? They call you?
Jess: I saw your tattoo that says, "Hello, My Name is Remy," and I just... I took a leap of faith. Look, I know you're a good guy...
Remy: Okay, what do you... what do you want fixed?
Nick: Why don't you close your eyes and point at something?
Remy: Her. Not you.

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