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Quote from Nick in Wedding

Nick: [Holds up pictures from the photo booth] That's Caroline and that's me. Four years we were together doesn't matter to me, it's just what matter is..respect. [Crying] I'm just so alone right now, man and it's a real bad situation...
Camera Man: Uh, Steve and Bree.
Nick: Steve and Bree. Because that's what this is about. I agree with you. You're good at your job, man. [to the cardboard cutout of Steve and Bree] I'm so happy for you. You look great. It feels a little bit like you're rubbing it in my face, you know, happiness, but let's be honest, Bree, this doesn't look great on you. This. That's not a great look, Bree! Congratulations, Steve, nice fedora and no open bar, Steve, don't you understand that's tacky! You're dad's rich, you're a lawyer, man. [kicks over cardboard cut out] Yeah, that happened! [goes to the photo booth] The photo booth is a liar, FYI. Oh, hey ladies, you guys wanna see a grown man cry? No? Then get out! I think I saw a single doctor looking at you. This is gonna take a while, Orange.

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