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Quote from Nick in Shark

Coach: Why are we in a church?
Nick: I once saw a priest drop his keys and bend over and pick it up, and it was just so human that it ruined religion for me.
Aly: It's a support group for families. And now... weird friends.
Coach: And I know that his training officer is scary strong. But, um, he's still my friend and the bad guys are still bad and I just wish I could put him in a giant envelope and just... just mail him away from all the bad guys... [crying]
Nick: There's no shame in this. Do not judge this man.
Moderator: We won't. This is a support group.
Nick: I know what you're thinking: he looks like a little punk. He looks like a little boy.
Moderator: We... we try not to call names here.
Nick: Everybody look down. Don't look at him!

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