Adrian Monk Quote #1825

Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa Claus

Adrian Monk: Julie, your mom and I are very upset. We can't talk right now. I hate Christmas.
Julie Teeger: How can you not like Christmas?
Adrian Monk: Well, you wouldn't like it either if you hated it as much as I did.
Julie Teeger: But it's so joyful.
Adrian Monk: Don't get me started on joy. When you're older, you'll understand. Joy is a trick, a diversion, it doesn't last forever. It breaks your heart every time. [honks Natalie's car horn] Damn joy!


 ‘Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa Claus’ Quotes

Quote from Dr. Kroger

Adrian Monk: What's with the toys?
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of children this week ever since...
Adrian Monk: Ever since I went on television and said there is no Santa Claus. How are they doing, the kids?
Dr. Kroger: The kids are fine. Children are very resilient, Adrian. Although I might ask you to leave by the side door today.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Julie, you can't keep that. Give me that, that's evidence.
Natalie: Of what?
Adrian Monk: He's breaking the law. Natalie, he's creating a nuisance. A public nuisance. Which is the worst kind of nuisance there is.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I know how difficult this is for you. I was worried about you even- Even before all this happened. I know it's ten years since Trudy.
Adrian Monk: Trudy. Trudy loved Christmas.
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, you mentioned that.
Adrian Monk: Every Christmas morning, she'd set the alarm. We'd go outside and watch the sun come up. Trudy used to say Christmas made the whole world seem softer.
Dr. Kroger: Softer. I like that. What about before Trudy? What was Christmas like when you were growing up?
Adrian Monk: Dark, desperate. The pain was unrelenting. Thank you for asking.