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Quote from Harold Krenshaw in Mr. Monk Fights City Hall

Harold Krenshaw: So let's get started. Maria Schecter is joining us. She'll be acting as Eileen's proxy. I see you're well prepared.
Maria Schecter: Yes, this is her journal, so I know what she was thinking, and how she would want me to vote. Adrian Monk even underlined all the important stuff, and even made little arrows.
Harold Krenshaw: How nice for you. Well, let's get right to it. We have some old business. Resolution 12-B. We will be voting yet again on whether to preserve or demolish the parking garage on Somerset avenue. By a show of hands, all those in favor of demolishing the garage, and replacing it with a beautiful, long-overdue neighborhood playground and park. [three councilors, including Harold, raise their hands] Three. All those opposed to the children's playground.
[After three people, but not Maria, raise their hands, Monk uses his pinky finger to signal for Maria to raise her hand.]

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