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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk on Wheels

Dean Berry: Here, drink this. I want you to take three of these, twice a day. It's my personal formula. You're going to be fine.
Natalie: Thank you. Mr. Monk, we should go. They've had a bad day. Their super seed didn't sprout.
Dean Berry: Oh, we'll be fine. It's back to the drawing board. Back to the gene splicer. Thank you again, for the bike.
Natalie: Just don't leave it unlocked.
Dean Berry: Oh, it was locked.
Adrian Monk: They never found the lock.
Dean Berry: Pardon me?
Adrian Monk: The lock that came with your bike. They found the basket, and the bell, but they never found the lock. What did it look like?
Dean Berry: The lock? It was kind of a high-tech thing, with a a keypad.
Adrian Monk: Like that one?
Dean Berry: Yeah, as a matter of fact.
Adrian Monk: And you could set your own combination?
Dean Berry: That's right. Eight digits.
Adrian Monk: Ms. Longson, are you going somewhere?
Sarah Longson: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. China. For three weeks.
Adrian Monk: Professor Berry, I can tell you why your experiment failed today, it was sabotaged. And she did it.
Sarah Longson: You must be joking!
Adrian Monk: You hired John Kuramoto to steal that bike. But it was never really about the bike, was it? You wanted the lock. Here's what happened. Those genetically altered seeds were worth a fortune. You knew you could sell them to anyone. Your friends in China, for instance. All you need was a combination. Your plan was simple. You showed up with a new bike, you said it was a gift. It was an ordinary bike, but the lock was something special. You had designed it yourself. It had an eight digit combination. You knew your boss. You knew he'd never memorize a whole new set of numbers.
Dean Berry: She was right. I used the same combination.
Adrian Monk: Most people do.
Natalie: It's human nature. I use the same password for everything.
Adrian Monk: Kuramoto stole the bike, and more importantly, the lock. That night, you went to work. All you had to do was retrieve the new combination. As you predicted, he had use the same numbers for both. You replaced the genetically altered seeds with a few ordinary ones. You knew you'd be long gone by the time anybody suspected anything.
Sarah Longson: Dean, who is this guy? I don't have to listen to this. You can't prove any of it.
Adrian Monk: It's true. We'll never find those seeds now. You had five days to hide them. But we can prove that you killed Mr. Kuramoto. Are those your sandals? They're quite unusual.
Sarah Longson: They're made from recycled tires. They're eco-friendly.
Adrian Monk: They may be eco, but they're not friendly. Natalie, I've seen those tread marks before. In the cemetery, near Kuramoto's body. I thought they were tire tracks.
Dean Berry: Sarah, tell me the truth. Did you do this? [Sarah throws a beaker of liquid] My eyes! I'm fine. Get her! Get her, don't let her get away.

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