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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Gets Drunk

Adrian Monk: Sylvia, I want to apologize again for last year.
Sylia: Oh, don't mention it. It's ancient history.
Natalie: What happened last year?
Sylia: Well, it's not worth mentioning. We had a mystery weekend. And we hired some actors who were going to act out a little murder.
Adrian Monk: I'm really, really sorry.
Sylia: And, uh, it was supposed to be for three days. And everybody paid in advance for three days. Adrian solved the case in, what was it, 12 minutes?
Adrian Monk: Well, I, I knew that the general's daughter was lying about meeting Churchill, because Churchill wasn't knighted until 1953. Which meant that Reginald, the limping chauffeur, who supplied her alibi, was also lying. So obviously, they were lovers who were planning to kill the sultan, and steal the Arabian emerald.
Sylia: Anyway, uh, we had to refund everybody's money. No big deal. But we learned our lesson. No more mysteries when Adrian Monk is in town. This time we're having a wine tasting.

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