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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the 12th Man

Mrs. Ling: Mr. Monk, I tell you before. Do not ring the bell. [Monk rings the bell again] Stop that!
Adrian Monk: It's 10:00, Mrs. Ling.The ticket says, "Tuesday, 10 a.m."
Mrs. Ling: It's an approximation, Mr. Monk. It means "about 10:00." Not at 10:00, you crazy man. What's wrong with you? Okay, give me your ticket. Ah, Mr. Monk, I told you before, no copies. Where's the original ticket?
Adrian Monk: It's safe at home in my file.
Mrs. Ling: What do you need a file for? This is dry cleaning ticket! [Monk rings the bell] Stop that. [to Sharona] Why you let him xerox?
Sharona: I'm not with him every minute.
Mrs. Ling: Oh, okay. Here you go. Four shirts, okay? That's $24.
[Mrs. Ling points to the price list which reads "Shirts Men: $3.00 Women: $4.00 Mr. Monk $6.00"]
Adrian Monk: Why do I pay more?
Mrs. Ling: Because you're so much trouble, okay. I got to clean everything twice. Then I got to stand here and talk to you for like half an hour. Okay, good. Thank you. Bye-bye, now.

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