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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect

Dr. Kroger: Okay. I'm sorry, but, uh, our time is up.
Adrian Monk: Okay, well, I'll see you Thursday.
Dr. Kroger: No! No, uh, don't you remember? I'll be in Costa Rica.
Adrian Monk: Costa Rica?
Dr. Kroger: Yeah. For three weeks. It's my vacation.
Adrian Monk: I've never been to Costa Rica.
Dr. Kroger: Uh, no, Adrian. You're not coming. It's a vacation. But if- If you like, I can refer you to another doctor.
Adrian Monk: Uh-
Dr. Kroger: Or- Or not. Or not.
Adrian Monk: Why didn't you tell me?
Dr. Kroger: I did. I told you every week for the past month. But I guess you just, um, blocked it out.
Adrian Monk: Is that possible?
Dr. Kroger: Apparently.
Adrian Monk: I guess I did. I blocked it out. No problem. We'll talk about it on Thursday.

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