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Quote from Lieutenant Disher in Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus

Sgt. Myers: I can't believe it! Man, we really lucked out. That's Adrian Monk.
Lieutenant Disher: Who?
Sgt. Myers: He's the best crime scene investigator in the department. We studied all his cases at the academy.
Lieutenant Disher: Huh. Really? Never heard of him.
Sgt. Myers: Oh, I can't believe he's here. It's like meeting Mick Jagger. Oh, that's Sharona, his nurse.
Lieutenant Disher: He has a nurse?
Sgt. Myers: When his wife was killed, he didn't leave the house for, like, three and a half years until he met her. Now he can't do anything without her. She's pretty hot, huh?
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, you think so? Hey, maybe they're together.
Sgt. Myers: No. Monk's not with anyone. He's still hung up on his late wife. That's the one case he can't solve. Look at him. Adrian Monk. Oh, he's the man!

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