Jay Quote #570

Quote from Jay in The Future Dunphys

Jay: I never went to private school. Hell, I never even finished college, and look at me. That Danish I just ate cost 6 bucks. I didn't even blink.
Manny: I've always felt out of place in public school, like a lone petunia in an onion patch.
Jay: You felt out of place? Let me tell you something about your prep school buddies. When I was younger, I had a job checking coats at a country club. These smug rich kids used to waltz in there and throw their coats at me like I was nothing. That was before your high-tech fabrics. They weighed a ton. You see that scar?
Manny: The one you got in the war?
Jay: That's what I tell people. I caught the scalloped edge of a Burberry duffel coat toggle. Still not sure there isn't a piece in there.


 ‘The Future Dunphys’ Quotes

Quote from Haley

Claire: [on the phone] Haley, I love you. If you don't want to work in that store, I'll help you find something you like better.
Haley: Is this reverse psychiatry?
Claire: No, honey. Actually, nothing is.

Quote from Lily

Lily: I want a cheeseburger.
Cameron: But this is a special soup called pho.
Lily: You told me not to say that word.

Quote from Alex

Alex: I need caffeine today.
Claire: You can have juice. How late were you at that party last night?
Haley: Oh, please. She snuck in at 10:00 and spent all night reading under the covers with a flashlight.
Claire: Alex, what have I told you about staying out past your curfew?
Alex: I need to do it more often.