Cameron Quote #293

Quote from Cameron in See You Next Fall

Claire: Luke, stop pushing that ball around. You're gonna fall in.
Cameron: Oh, yes, and then your Uncle Mitchell will laugh at your expense. I'm just saying. It's a character flaw.
Mitchell: Okay, quick poll here. This morning, Cam fully dressed-
Jay: Thank God it's one of those stories.
Mitchell: While in the middle of a very serious thought fell into a ducky pool.
Phil: Oh, my goodness. Are you all right?
Cameron: Yes, I am. Thank you. That is a normal reaction, love and concern.


 ‘See You Next Fall’ Quotes

Quote from Haley

Haley: Sorry, Alex, but you will thank me one day.
Alex: Please. You really think I don't have duplicates?
Haley: If you do this you'll be a social piranha.
Alex: Yes. I'll be an Amazonian carnivorous fish.
Haley: Carniv- What?

Quote from Haley

Alex: People want to be challenged. They're gonna respect me for it.
Haley: No one's ever gonna talk to you again.
Alex: So what? Mahatma Gandhi went on a hunger strike for what he believed in.
Haley: That's 'cause no one would eat with him in the cafeteria.

Quote from Alex

Alex: It's ironic that I stand up here representing my classmates when... they're so awesome. They should be up here themselves. But I'm up here and... I'm sayin' stuff... 'cause... everybody's got their stuff, whether you're popular or a drama geek, or a cheerleader or even a nerd like me. We all have our insecurities.
Cameron: Yes, we do.
Alex: We're all just trying to figure out who we are. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Don't stop believin'. Get this party started.