Gloria Quote #729

Quote from Gloria in He Said, She Shed

Manny: I thought you'd be going to Joe's tournament.
Gloria: No, he doesn't need me over there. I would be adding more pressure.
Manny: Well, you always kept a low profile at my ribbon-dancing competitions. I couldn't even find you in the stands.
Gloria: Ah, yeah, with the ribbon and the swooshing.


 ‘He Said, She Shed’ Quotes

Quote from Gloria

Gloria: But Joe worries me because stress can destroy a child. Take it from Cartagena's junior regional backstroke champion.
Manny: You used to swim?
Gloria: Like a cigarette boat fleeing to international waters. But all that stress brought the darkness in me. I started pulling out my hair, and... there was an incident.
Manny: What kind of incident?
Gloria: I'm ashamed to admit it, but when I lost one of the big races, I might have hit one of the other swimmers in the leg with a skimmer pole.
Manny: You Tonya Harding-ed another girl?
Gloria: No, in Colombia, they call it the Gloria Ramirez-ing.

Quote from Gloria

Jay: You know, Gloria, with the right training, this kid could go all the way. Me managing his golf career can be my second act.
Gloria: You're 70. Your second act was two acts ago.

Quote from Jay

Jay: [aside to camera] I needed to find a way to spend more quality time with Joe. I couldn't take another Saturday of hide-and-seek. At this point, I've spent more time in the closet than Mitchell. [chuckles]