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Quote from Cameron in Crazy Train

Cameron: Well, we are just dying to know how the conductor got all the way from the front to the back, kill the ambassador, and not be seen?
Simon Hastings: There's an escape hatch in the control room. He climbs up, crawls his way across the top of the train to the caboose. There, his feet firmly planted, thanks to magnetic shoes, he hangs down, shoots the ambassador, then crawls back the way he came.
Phil: That is so ingenious. How does he avoid the video cameras?
Cameron: Yeah.
Simon Hastings: I beg your pardon.
Phil: On top of the train.
Simon Hastings: He's on a train that doesn't have any cameras.
Cameron: Oh, no, they all have cameras now. Big Brother. I just read an article about it in Rail World, the magazine in your seat pocket. Also a great interview with amateur conductor Valerie Bertinelli.

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