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Quote from Mitchell in Hawaii

Cameron: If it means anything, we've been relaxing here doing nothing. Maybe you can join us tomorrow.
Mitchell: No, I can't- I just don't- I don't find relaxing that relaxing.
Cameron: I understand. You are who you are. Leilani.
Mitchell: You know what? I think it's because of my parents.
Cameron: It always is. Kipu!
Mitchell: I mean, vacation with my mom and dad was them sitting around like statues when, you know, the only thing that me and Claire could do for excitement was- Oh. Was sit around and listen to my skin sizzle.
Cameron: You poor thing. Sue?
Mitchell: So, that's, like- That's why, when I'm on vacation, I want to go out and meet the locals. I want to immerse myself in the culture, you know? I don't want to sloth around- Ah! Sweet Lady Gaga, that is good. Oh, thank you. Mmm. What's this called?
Cameron: Happiness.

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