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Quote from Lois in Reese Joins the Army: Part 2

Dennis: I wish I had better news for you, Hal, but the prosecution has 30 eyewitnesses that can all avoid going to prison themselves by fingering you.
Hal: How about my mystery guy? He's only got six months to live. He doesn't want to die with a guilty conscience. He's gonna completely exonerate me. And he's not imaginary.
Malcolm: [to camera] This is pretty much how things have been going around here lately. Dad's trial starts tomorrow, we still have no idea where Reese is, and Mom kind of had a breakdown. It's okay. She's slowly working her way back. I think her new hobby's helping her.
Lois: Oh, this one's name is Sam Gundlebumps. He grew up on a farm where he was friends with a turkey and a duck. He can't see very well, so he's always getting lost.
Piama: It'll be okay, Lois. We're gonna find Reese.
Lois: [gasps] Look, he picked flowers. He's going a-courtin'.

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